Monday, June 18, 2007

Abbott Labs and ACT-UP Paris: Profit or Humanity?


(To read the original French Version, please visit the official site of SIDAction.)

SIDACTION is shocked by the legal complaint by Abbott Labs against ACT UP Paris and demands it withdrawal.

Act Up Paris was summoned before the 31st Correctional Court of Paris, today (12 June 2007) at 1:30 P.M. following the deposition of a complaint by Abbott Labs of April 26, 2007.

Abbott Labs has deposed a complaint against ACT UP Paris which succeeded in blocking the pharmaceutical company's Internet site for 24 hours on April 26, 2007. This action was intended to protest, in conjunction with militants in the worldwide fight against AIDS, and in solidarity with Thai citizens infected with HIV, the decision by Abbott to boycott Thailand.

Conforming to situations foreseen by the World Trade Organization (WTO), Thailand decided to issue licenses for multiple chemical compounds that would authorize the legal production and importation of generic compounds at greatly reduced prices to their territories.

However, to defend its ability to sell its products at elevated prices, Abbott decided no longer to register its new drugs in Thailand, among which one anti-HIV drug, [“heat-stable Kaletra”] is indispensable to people in treatment failure for HIV.

Abbott Labs, certain of its power, confirms its participation in the fight against those who are sick and their associations [of advocacy] for full access to healthcare.

  • SIDAction demands the withdrawal of this legal proceeding.
  • SIDAction demands that Thai citizens with HIV [and other illnesses] be able to benefit from all compounds available, including those licensed by Abbott.
  • SIDAction demands that Abbott respect the laws of the WTO that allow Thailand or other countries with limited resources to make exceptions for access to all compounds available so that human lives may be saved.

Thailand is the 15th country most-affected by HIV.

SIDACTION works in 28 countries to support development and financial and technical support. It assures technical coherence through follow-up with the organizations with which it works.

Press Contact (in France) : Francis Gionti



Blogger ondamaris said...

it seems this company only can solve problems with repression ... always the same game ...
hopefully international solidarity will help support act up paris

6/29/2007 04:26:00 AM  

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