Call for Submissions: International Carnival of Pozitivities at A Blog Around the Clock
I am thrilled to announce that the 5th edition of the International Carnival of Pozitivities (ICP) will be hosted in November by our friend and founder of the Tar Heel Tavern, Bora, at A Blog Around the Clock. This is a significant step in the evolution of the ICP in that Bora's blog represents our first mainstream, high-volume host site.
One of the aims of the ICP is to present a true picture of what it is like to live with HIV/AIDS in today's political and social climate in a way that everyday people can understand the disease. We hope to reopen dialogue about the disease, to demystify it, to destigmatize it and to prevent its future spread through education. In the era of a US administration that funds programs based upon religious principles rather than upon scientific fact, we need to do what we can to fill the gaps in education.
Furthermore, in an era where the mainstream media and pharmaceutical marketing programs would have us believe that AIDS is now a manageable disease like diabetes, we need to explain the truth about long-term survival and the potential health and economic risks of infection.
For those of you who do not normally write about how HIV/AIDS affects you or how you perceive the disease, now would be an excellent time to contribute to the ICP. Please visit the homepage for the ICP and read the guidelines and philosophy behind this project. I hope you will join us. And, much gratitude to Bora who is an angel in disguise.
Categories: HIV AIDS HIV/AIDS blog carnival blog+carnival International+Carnival+of+Pozitivities The+Tar+Heel+Tavern A+Blog+Around+the+Clock
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